The Web Development Language is probably the most popular PHP. In this article, things that will help will be shared on developing PHP, and hope you can learn somewhat if you just go your first steps in this amazing language for web development.
Use PHP core classes and functions
When you want to do something that seems relatively normal, you can possibly use a PHP feature or class already. Before you create your own functions, always check the PHP manual out. There is no need to construct a function at the beginning and the end of a string to eliminate the white space when you can simply use trim (). Why construct an XML parser for RSS feeds to use the XML Parser functionality of PHP?
Create a Setup File
Why not just create one master file that contains your settings and then add it to your PHP scripts instead of scattering your database connection settings everywhere? You can do it in one file instead of multiple files if you have to update the specifics later on. This is also very useful when using other constants and functions in various scripts.
Sanitize data that will be used into your servers
SQL injections are more common than you can think which is the only way to remove the problem if you no longer want a headache later. SQL injections are more common. The first thing you should do is learn how the app can be affected and understand the SQL injections; read examples of SQL injection attacks and check this SQL injection-cheat sheet.
Don't overstate the code
Proper documentation of your code through comments in your scripts is definitely a good practice, but should every line be commented? Not definitely. Comment on the complex parts of your source code so that you can quickly remember what's happening when you look at it again later on, but a php developers don't comment on simple things like your MySQL connection code. Good code is most of the time self-explaining.